Friday, November 26, 2010

The great trilogy of secular circus sellathon celebrations, Chanu-Kwanz-Mas, is nearing its dénouement and this dollar deity thing is approaching a climax roughly akin to an asteroid hurdling toward earth.
Almost every obscene sales pitch will be dramatized, though I’m still waiting for the commercial that claims “Even Jesus is excited about these discounts!” (By the way, I also fully expect that a bible with advertising will be produced in my lifetime.)
Because I have been (at different parts of my life) an adherent of 2 major faiths, I no longer subscribe to any organized religion. In my opinion, religion “ain’t what it used to be.” Most religions are the same…guilt interspersed with holidays. We need a change…something uplifting…something that will make ALL of it’s followers happy and fulfilled in every way. Hmmm. Would anyone like to hear more about “TED-ISM”? J

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A passing....

No sane human can rejoice in the death of another (with the exception of Hitler, Arafat and the rest of that genre). The passing of Daniel Schorr brings no one any special satisfaction, despite his professional lifetime of lies, obfuscations and deliberate distortions.
Schorr personified what people hate about the third estate; he wrote to discredit anyone who didn’t agree with his own (decidedly un-American) objectives. He worked hard to twist and manipulate the American public with deliberate malice and alteration of the facts.
I do not find any pleasure in his passing but I am pleased that there is one fewer sham journalist to impose his own crooked vision on America.